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Sauna: well-being through the heat
Published on 23/05/2011 Letture: 2191 Share
The care and welfare of the body are one of the favorite activities for lovers of fitness and relaxation, then find a solution and an idea to pamper your body will absolutely not miss a chance, the sauna has become, over the years, one of the most symbolic and important for relaxation and well-being ...

The steam bath is a tradition in Scandinavia, saunas originally presented themselves as caves created in the soil, these areas were exploited as homes for the winter season, the interior was made ​​tempered by the presence of a brazier of hot stones, on which water had to be paid.

Presently most of the Scandinavian population has a sauna at home and globally, the sauna is experiencing a deep interest in the field of psycho-physical relaxation.

The Infrared Sauna is based on the idea of determining high temperatures through the adoption of rays and waves, this type of sauna needs a power consumption of about 2 W, the heat generated leads to sweating which is 20% and fatty acids and 80% of liquid at the mounting infrared sauna does not need an installation of plumbing, a sauna is considerably big.

In the Finnish sauna, the temperature is caused by a system of heated stones on which water flows, perspiration generated is made ​​for 3% of acids and toxins and 97%liquid , power consumption is 5W ; level assembly, the structure requires considerable space, and it is essential to install a plumbing system.

The sauna is an important tool for psychological and physical health, particularly in the infrared sauna is showing significant results on cellulite and inflammation.

Source: Article-Marketing.it
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