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Sauna: why try it?
Published on 16/05/2011 Letture: 2234 Share
The origin of the sauna and the specific word is Finnish and means "winter home". Its existence as beneficial hydrotherapy is not a reliable source or a precise historical period: we now know with certainty that a sauna is a place where it is operating a spa treatment related to hydrotherapy and the use of stone and warm water.

To try to make one, just go to a special center: health clubs or gyms have a particular room, where you can make a real steam bath.

But why take a sauna? What are the benefits?

Let's start by saying that, before making one, you should choose the right time: morning, afternoon or evening are indifferent, you just do not choose the hours immediately after a meal, especially if we overdid it a bit 'at the table. You should then prepare the skin to heat: to clean the pores, take a nice shower, so as to have wider benefits to the skin.

Once entered, the only thing to do is sit on wooden benches and let go to the specific heat of boiling water on the rocks: every now and then you can pour water on the appropriate pile of stones, so as to adjust the steam and heat. There will be a thermometer, which will indicate the temperature at which it arrived.

With the minutes that pass, our pores will be freed and let go of the sweat that you can get also calculated at a temperature of 80 °. If this is the first time, 10 minutes will suffice. You have to slowly get used to humidity and heat.

The benefits will derive there are mainly psychological type: total relaxation of body and spirit with decreased anxiety and stress and a renewed energy. The skin will benefit: it will be smooth, radiant and supple, as if he had just been treated in a professional cleaning.

It is very important to drink in a sauna: you sweat quickly and you lose lots of fluids. We do not want you to feel bad! For this reason, if you have special health problems heard before a doctor who can advise you better. If you already know not to run into more problems, you should try to make one: We tell the story how it went!

Beatrice Niciarelli

Source: Viveremeglio.it
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