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Fighting cellulite with sauna
Published on 10/05/2011 Letture: 2121 Share
Among the natural remedies for cellulite there is one that can not be more natural, as it does not allow for the application on the body of a particular substance.

This is the Finnish sauna, which is in a wooden (or stone, s the hardest to find) in which reigns the steam through a mechanism of heating and dehumidification.
It 's the sauna that is found in many sports and that made after training, helps to expel more toxins.

In the heat of the sauna, in fact, the heartbeat accelerates, blood vessels dilate, the skin relaxes and starts to sweat more and more, especially if it is indeed just completed the exercise.
What better way to lose fluids and eliminate harmful toxins that are the basis of many skin problems, first of all the cellulite. Pe against it because it is never too much activity of purification and detoxification of the body and the temperature of the sauna provides a good help. In fact, the temperature varies between 70 and 100 ° C, and to make matters worse there is a fairly high percentage of moisture, approximately 20%.

At some point during the sauna can happen to feel a sense of anxiety, of not being able to withstand the hot and humid climate especially, and this is the time to get out. You do not need to be heroes and endure, but we must go out and get in the shower, if possible, but not hot or cold, and decide whether to finish or come here for a while. If you decide to go back inside, the stream of water must be cold, but because it's good for circulation as well as the body temperature.

The sauna is not for everyone, however, because of problems like cardiac, respiratory or pressure are not compatible with such high temperatures, and the same goes for those suffering from varicose veins.

This article was written by Deborah De Santis May 5, 2010

Source: Blog Erboristeria
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